Friday, 29/12/2023, 10:38
1. S Chen,…, L.X. Chung et al., Level structures of 56,58Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic 60Ca, Physics Letters B 843 (2023) 138025. (ISI, Q1)
2. Z Elekes,…, L.X. Chung et al., Southwestern boundary of the island of inversion: First study of low-lying bound excited states in 59V and 61V, Physical Review C. (ISI, Q1)
Monday, 26/12/2022, 15:28
L.T. Anh, et al., Implementation of a Geant4-based code using low-energy gamma-nuclear final state model for photonuclear studies, Nuclear Instrument Methods A 1027 (2022) 166285. (ISI);
Pham Nhu Viet Ha, Donny Hartanto, Thanh Mai Vu, Vinh Thanh Tran, Viet Phu Tran, An improved analysis of the OECD/NRC PWR MOX/UO2 core transient benchmark with PARCS/Serpent, Annals of Nuclear Energy 168 (2022) 108922. (ISI)
Tuesday, 18/01/2022, 00:00
1. Nguyen Hoang Phuc, Dao T. Khoa,Nguyen Tri Toan Phuc. Elastic α transfer in the 16O+12C scattering and its impact on the nuclear rainbow. The European Physical Journal A (2021) 57:7. (ISI)
2. Nguyen Hoang Phuc, Dao T. Khoa,Nguyen Tri Toan Phuc, Do Cong Cuong. Suppression of the nuclear rainbow in the inelastic nucleus-nucleus scattering. The European Physical Journal A (2021) 57:75. (ISI)
Friday, 18/11/2022, 11:50
1. Y.L. Sun, …, L.X. Chung, B.D. Linh, et al., “Restoration of the natural E(1/2+1 ) - E(3/2+1 ) energy splitting in odd-K isotopes towards N = 40”, Physics Letters B 802, 135215 (2020). (ISI)
2. C. Lizarazo, …, L.X. Chung, B.D. Linh, et al., “Metastable States of 92,94Se: Identification of an Oblate K Isomer of 94Se and the GroundState Shape Transition between N = 58 and 60”, Physical Review Letters 124, 222501 (2020). (ISI)
3. A. Frotscher, …, L.X. Chung, B.D. Linh, et al., “Sequential Nature of (p,3p)Two-Proton Knockout from Neutron-Rich Nuclei”, Physical Review Letters 125, 012501 (2020). (ISI)
Thursday, 04/06/2020, 09:48
1. R. Taniuchi, L.X. Chung et al., “78Ni revealed as a doubly magic stronghold against nuclear deformation”, Nature 569 (2019) 53.
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Wednesday, 02/01/2019, 10:30
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Tuesday, 16/01/2018, 16:28
1. Nancy Paul, L. X. Chung, B. D. Linh, et al. “Are There Signatures of Harmonic Oscillator Shell Gaps Far from Stability? –First Spectroscopy of 110Zr” Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 032501 (2017).
2. F. Flavigny, et al., L.X. Chung, B. D. Linh. “Shape Evolution in Neutron-rich Krypton Isotopes beyond N = 60: First spectroscopy of 98,100Kr” Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 242501 (2017).
3. L. Olivier, L. X. Chung et al. “Persistence of the Z=28 Shell Gap Around 78Ni: First Spectroscopy of 79Cu”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 192501 (2017).
Tuesday, 07/03/2017, 16:10
1. Ngo Hai Tan, Doan Thi Loan, Dao T.Khoa, J. Margueron, Mean-field study of hot β-stable protoneutron star matter: Impact of the symmetry energy and nucleon effective mass, Physical Review C 93, 035806 (2016).
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Tuesday, 23/02/2016, 15:58
1. T. Hashimoto, A.M. Krumbholz, P.von Neumann, A. Tamii, P.G. Reinhard, T. Adachi, N.T.Khai, A. Krugmann, D. Martin, H. Hatanaka, C. Iwamoto, et al., “Dople polarization of 120Sn and nuclear energy density functionals”, Physical Review C 92, 031305 (R) (2015).
Friday, 09/01/2015, 10:15
1) Bui Minh Loc, Dao T. Khoa, and R. G. T. Zegers “Charge-exchange scattering to the isobaric analog state at medium energies as a probe of the neutron skin”, Phys. Rev. C 89 (2014) 024317...